NORD Opens COVID-19 Financial Aid Program for Rare Disease Community

My Junk Drawer Sparks Memories of Better Days

Since my husband has ALS and is paralyzed, his life is much the same under COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Todd still spends his days on the computer, except now there are many more people online, so he feels more connected. However, the kids and I have had to find a…

Smoking Not Seen to Raise Risk of ALS in UK Study

A weak link only between a person’s current smoking study and greater risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was seen by scientists in a U.K. study, with no evidence that lifetime smoking exposure affects such risk. The researchers believe that this weak association is likely a “false-positive,” and there…

Pandemic Pitfalls: Avoiding the Compare-despair Trap

Remember those “100 Things to Do During a Pandemic” emails that arrived in our inboxes a while back? Well, a few days ago, I came across one, and while reading it, I felt the symptoms of “compare-despair” welling up in my mind. Years ago, I might have followed the negativity…

‘How Are You?’ Can Be a Weighty Question

When someone asks how I am in passing, I know the script: “I’m fine. How are you?” Sure, the question and response are meant to be pleasantries in our polite society, but since my husband has ALS, some days the question feels weighty. It stirs smoldering emotions, reigniting the…