#NORDSummit – Major Issues on Table for Rare Disease Patients in US as Midterm Elections Approach

Researchers Discover Function of Gene Linked to ALS, Frontotemporal Dementia

Researchers have discovered that C9orf72 — the gene whose mutated version is associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) — works by activating key proteins for the transport and degradation of molecules inside the cell, in normal conditions. This discovery expands knowledge on how C9orf72 may contribute to the…

Why I’m Taking Exception to Stephen Hawking

Renowned physicist and author Stephen Hawking, perhaps the most famous ALS sufferer after Lou Gehrig, had his final book posthumously published on Oct. 16. In “Brief Answers to the Big Questions,” one of the answers Hawking offers is that there is…

Potential Gene Therapy for ALS and Similar Diseases Licensed to CavoGene LifeSciences

The University California San Diego (UC San Diego) has licensed the right to develop and commercialize an investigational gene therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer’s disease, called SynCav1, to CavoGene LifeSciences. The therapy may also benefit people with traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, and cognitive decline disorders.

Are You Stuck in the ALS Waiting Room?

ALS life involves a lot of waiting. We wait for people to help us with daily tasks, we wait for medical test results, and we wait for new ALS symptoms. But it’s the constant thoughts of despair and hopelessness that put us in what I call the ALS…