My (Ice) Bucket List

My (Ice) Bucket List

“… And up through the ground come a bubblin’ crude.” Like Jed Clampett of “Beverly Hillbillies” fame, the ALS Association in 2014 found itself in the unexpected circumstance of commanding assets beyond its wildest dreams. The national display of generosity, hope, and compassion dubbed the ice…

The Art of ALS Adaptability

Life with ALS often feels like a crash course in adaptability but being adaptable doesn’t come naturally for many of us. However, whether you’re the patient, caregiver, or a family member, I believe you can learn how. Read on and let’s get started. In my pre-ALS life…

How I Stay Connected to My Career

One of the most awful parts of my diagnosis was the loss of my career. Teaching was more than a job to me — it was part of my identity. I wish I knew then that my loss wouldn’t be as total as I had imagined. Don’t give…

Chip Technology Identifies Potential Combo Therapy for ALS in Study

Chip technology — much like an organ-on-a-chip that can simulate the workings of tissue or organs  — was used to recreate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), allowing researchers to identify two treatments for blood cancers — rapamycin plus bosutinib — as a possible ALS combination therapy. The study, “Microphysiological 3D model…

Always Learn Something!

If you are living with ALS, here’s a question for you: When was the last time you spent the time to learn something? It can’t include watching a TV newscast or scanning the news feed on your mobile device. I mean quality time spent with books or…