New ALS trial data show nearly 2-year survival benefit with NP001

Qalsody halts disease progression in SOD1-ALS patients: Study

Qalsody (tofersen) halted disease progression and improved functional independence and mobility in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) who received the treatment in a real-world setting, according to a study involving seven patients carrying mutations in the SOD1 gene. Data also showed robust and sustained declines in markers of…

Finding things to look forward to, even with ALS

With shorter days and overcast skies lasting for weeks due to lake-effect snow, darkness comes quickly after sunset here on Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula. Because our nights are long, many of our cross-country ski trails are lit so that people can use them after work. I try to ski at…

Study links constipation with faster ALS progression, poorer survival

Constipation, a symptom experienced by about half of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, is associated with a significantly faster disease progression and poorer survival, according to a new study. Constipation was also linked to worse anxiety, depression, and sleep problems, data showed. “Objective assessment of these symptoms is critical…