ALS News Today Forums Forums Living With ALS Clinical Trials

  • Amanda

    September 21, 2020 at 10:04 pm

    You are encouraged to list websites or contact information for resources:

  • Dagmar

    September 22, 2020 at 12:46 pm

    I AM ALS has a great site with up-to-date information:

  • Marianne Opilla

    September 22, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    I am in week 3 enrolled in the inhaled Cromolyn trial.  Cromolyn is a med from the 1970’s that was used for Asthma. It has been shown to reduce inflammation in motor neurons.  It is a Phase IIa trial randomized to 2 doses. My neurologist offered me this trial because it is short (12 weeks), proven well tolerated, and no placebo.

    Once that is completed, I will decide about enrolling in the platform trial.

    I feel that if there is something tooter that can possibly slow progression, I will try it.

  • Bill

    September 22, 2020 at 7:12 pm

    I’ve been in 2 clinic drug trials and 2 research genetic and longitudinal studies.

    Fortitude ALS phase 2 by Cytokenetics . Drug Reldesemtiv. I got in this a couple months after diagnosis in 2018. It ran 12 weeks. I was diagnosed at USF Morsani where that was a study site. They told me of it. They did comprehensive exams. SVC,  muscle strength tests and speech testing.
    2nd drug test REFALS also at USF Morsani ran about 18 months. I just slipped into it with my time of symptoms being issue. It was test of Levosimendan. Tests were primarily SVC, EKG and ALSFRS tracking. Trial washed out failing to meet study goals. This one I found by my USF contacts.
    I found two studies at UofMiami. These I believe by searching One was study is the CReATe ALS genetic and longitudinal study. Objective was biomarker research. My genome was run and I did SVC, blood tests, urine tests and physical exams. Later my dads dna from brain sample), sister and mother’s   Dna were added to try to find source of my family’s diverse MND’s. Although my data remains in the CReATe database I am no longer actively followed. I was negative for known mutations.
    The second study which ran concurrently at Uof Miami was preFALS which was to id families with familial FTD/ALS. Since they could not find my mutation that ended for me.

    I still keep in contact with  both research facilities to look for added trials but with my almost 5 year since symptom onset I’m pretty much locked out. I did turn down a phase 1 first human trial study which was a pure safety study.







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