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Feeding Tube and Syringe
Posted by Sonsu on November 26, 2022 at 6:14 pmIs anyone having trouble with new type feeding tube which are incompatible with syrenges
Jan: CA, pals replied 2 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
I am not certain I understand your statement… but feeding tubes and syringes are sooooo important that I thought I would write and ask you to please clarify.
Trouble? What sort of trouble?
New feeding tube? How old is the old one? How new is the new one?
How is the old one different than the new one? In what ways?
Syringes? What types do you have?I got my feeding tube in July so rather new at all this… still adusting to the produducts, etc.,etc., etc. and trying to increase my weight. Currently, I am at 102 lbs! Not good.
Thank you for starting this post, I hope that others will add their helpful hints. There are so many unaswered questions, Living alone does not make it any easier.
Feeding tube my husband got is compatible with Enfit syringe. But we did not get right supplies from hospital as well as our Doctor. It took us some time to figure this out. Plus it was a holiday weekend when my husband got discharged from hospital. So it was very stressful.
Sonsu, do you have a contact person you could call to get the correct syringe to you?
If you are within an hour of Boston, I can bring one to you.
I am wondering if you could have been sent the wrong syringes. It happened to us once. They sent us a bunch of catheter tip syringes instead of EnFit Tip syringes. My husbands G-tube was recently changed (4 months ago) and the end of the feeding tube is the same as it’s always been.
Gilad you started this topic! I’m due for a PEG consult next week. Guess I’ll be asking about this issue. Thanks.
Hi John. The end of the feeding tube that sticks out from the belly has an adapter so that the syringe can be (sort of) screwed into it. The type of syringe needed is an ENfit syringe. When you leave the hospital after getting your feeding tube, please make sure they send you home with an ENfit Syringe. After that, you will likely get your supplies via a company and they should know you need ENfit Syringes but it would be good to let them know as well. Our first shipment was the wrong type of Syringe (pointy tip). You can google ENfit syringe to familiarize yourself with what the tip looks like.
My Dr. always sends us home with a complete set of supplies each time we get a replacement tube.
I was loosing about 5-7 pounds a month because I could not chew, swallow and haven’t been able to speak for two years. At that time I weighed150# and at 5’4″ that was a bit too much. About 6 months ago I got my feeding tube, than I weighed 111#. My supplies are delivered from a local Los Angeles distributor and have been incorrect the first 4 out of 6 times. Hopefully, they got it straight now.
AMSINO AMSure AS115 syringe, 4×4 non-woven squares, Nestle Nutren 2.0, 500 calories… are the products that I receive for the past two months. My weight went down to an even 100# (very scary) but I believe I am on tract now at 103.5 and hopefully gaining. I weigh every morning after I use the bathroom and keep a log of my weight.
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