ALS News Today Forums Forums Using Our Forums Happy Anniversary to our forum!

  • Happy Anniversary to our forum!

    Posted by Amanda on March 11, 2020 at 9:16 pm

    About a year ago Dagmar and I first met via phone conference. We were working with our supervisor from Bionews to learn how to moderate a forum, work online  and what would be expected from us. To be honest, I was a little intimidate by Dagmar and all that I had to learn. Dagmar has a way with words and understood first hand what is like to be a pALS. I felt she had so much more to offer our members. Although I had extensive experience with ALS as it runs in my family, it is not the same as having ALS and being a writer.  I am honored to be part of this forum and to virtually meet all of our members. I am thrilled when I see our members sharing tips, information and experiences. That is what this forum is all about! We want to cultivate a safe space for people to share information and even ask the hard questions!  I’ve learned more about ALS, and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude on disease and our bodies from our members! With that being said, I’d like to know what you think is good about our forum. What other kinds of information do you think would be useful to our members? And, please always feel free to express constructive feedback. You are encouraged to email myself or Dagmar privately with any concerns or suggestions (or post on this discussion). The ALS forum is here for our members and we want the information to be relevant and useful to you!

    Dagmar replied 4 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Susan Gray

    March 12, 2020 at 3:56 pm

    I am so happy that this forum is available to us.  You and Dagmar do an excellent job as moderators asking pertinent and thought-provoking questions.  We all gain from what you and Dagmar offer as well as from each other with our own questions and responses.  Yes, Happy Anniversary to our forum indeed!

  • Nancy

    March 12, 2020 at 4:24 pm

    Having been diagnosed with ALS less than a year ago, I had no idea the forum is only a year old! You are doing a great job keeping the members informed with pertinent information. I am sure I have learned much more about ALS over the past seven months than I would have without accessing this valuable site. Thank you!

  • Dagmar

    March 12, 2020 at 8:05 pm

    Amanda, how wonderful of you to remember the date! One year – – wow! It went by fast…and we’re still growing!

    I have learned so much from our members, I’m happy we’re providing such a good resource for our forum members and, really enjoy meeting everyone in our world-wide community!

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