Plant Extracts Used in Traditional Indian Medicine Eased Movement and Sleep Problems in Fly Model of ALS

Plant Extracts Used in Traditional Indian Medicine Eased Movement and Sleep Problems in Fly Model of ALS

Extracts of velvet bean and Indian ginseng, two plants commonly used in the Ayurvedic medicine of India, were found to ease sleep disturbances and hyperactivity in a fruit fly model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), while also rescuing locomotor function. The study, “Standardized phytotherapic extracts rescue anomalous locomotion and electrophysiological responses…

From the ALS Underground: The Last (Plastic) Straw

Have you heard the news? They’re banning plastic straws. Oh, darn! Just when I thought I had my ALS symptoms all figured out, perfect solutions in place, and solid daily routines to follow, a new curveball comes my way. The fact is I need straws! Not just any…

Why I’m Taking Exception to Stephen Hawking

Renowned physicist and author Stephen Hawking, perhaps the most famous ALS sufferer after Lou Gehrig, had his final book posthumously published on Oct. 16. In “Brief Answers to the Big Questions,” one of the answers Hawking offers is that there is…