ALS Stem Cell Therapy Seen to Benefit Patients in First Round of Clinical Tests

Last Week’s Top-3 Most Read Posts On ALS

Read the Articles Here: Dysfunctional ALS Patient Skin-Derived Muscle Neurons Rescued by Kenpaullone ALS and Other Neurological Disorders May Benefit from Prions Created in Lab Genervon’s GM604 May Slow Disease Progression in ALS Patients…

ALS Protein Dynamics May Hold Clues for Disease Progression

Researchers at the National University of Singapore have suggested there is a fine balance between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-related protein TDP-43’s normal function and its potential to cause neurodegeneration. The degeneration seems to occur due to pathological factors that exaggerate the protein’s membrane association, resulting in the loss of its physiological functions as well as…

What is ALS?

“Everybody knows about the Ice Bucket Challenge. But what do you know about the disease behind this challenge, known as ALS or MND? Watch this video to learn about it.” Learn more about ALS:…

Neuronal Degeneration Linked to Decline in a Synaptic Protein

University of Bern researchers have discovered that the synaptic protein Homer-3 is linked to the death of Purkinje motor neurons in Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), a motor neuron disease that, like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is characterized by extensive motor neuron loss. The study, titled “Impaired mTORC1-Dependent Expression of…

ALS and Other Neurological Disorders May Benefit from Prions Created in Lab

A research group — coordinated by Giuseppe Legname from The Laboratory of Prion Disease, SISSA, Trieste, Italy — has found a way to build artificial prions, assembling the proteins in a serial manner. The study was performed in collaboration with the Carlo Besta Neurological Institute in Milan and the results were published in the journal…

ALS Symptoms Found in Mice Lacking a Specific MicroRNA Molecule

Researchers at the Salk Institute have discovered that a set of messenger RNAs, controlled by the microRNA miR-218, define a specific network of neuronal genes that are repressed to prevent neuromuscular damage and neurodegeneration. Loss of miR-218 was seen to lead to the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral…