Cytokinetics calls for proposals for 6th Communications Grant Program

Cytokinetics is calling for proposals from patient advocacy organizations focused on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and cardiovascular conditions for its 6th annual Communications Grant Program. The 2024 program will award five grants totaling $20,000 each to groups serving the ALS, heart failure, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy communities. These…

Cytokinetics’ Communications Grants Awarded to 2 ALS Groups

Cytokinetics has awarded $20,000 grants to five patient advocacy organizations, including two serving the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) community, under its fifth annual Communications Grant Program. Each grant is intended to support the nonprofit’s outreach, engagement, and awareness efforts, allowing the organizations to broaden their work in underserved…

Cytokinetics Launches 5th Annual Patient Advocacy Grant Program

Cytokinetics has launched its fifth annual Communications Grant Program to support patient advocacy groups working with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other communities. A total of five $20,000 grants will be given to winning organizations to help them improve their outreach and patient engagement. The deadline for applications…

Cytokinetics Adds Decade of Trial Findings to PRO-ACT Database

The Pooled Resource Open-Access ALS Clinical Trials (PRO-ACT) database, the largest collection of de-identified records on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients in clinical trials, has been updated with records of participants in three Cytokinetics-sponsored studies. Newly added findings derive from a decade of trials involving nearly 600 ALS patients. Those…

Cytokinetics Reaffirms Years-long Partnership With ALS Association

After several years of support, the late-stage biopharmaceutical company Cytokinetics is reaffirming its commitment to the ALS Association and its efforts to battle amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and assist the ALS community. In addition to backing nationwide organizational efforts, Cytokinetics has, for more than a decade, provided support…

Cytokinetics’ Grants Support Patient Advocacy Groups

Cytokinetics has awarded a total of $100,000 to five nonprofit patient advocacy organizations to support efforts to enhance communications, increase disease awareness, and boost community engagement. Recipients of the fourth annual Communications Fellowship Grant Program include the Les Turner ALS Foundation, the Northern Ohio Chapter of The…

Cytokinetics Updates Phase 3 COURAGE-ALS Trial of Reldesemtiv

Most of the initial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients enrolled in Cytokinetics’ COURAGE-ALS Phase 3 trial testing its experimental therapy reldesemtiv have moderate-to-fast progressing disease at study entry. An analysis shows that, as intended, COURAGE-ALS is increasing the proportion of patients with rapidly progressing disease compared with the…

Advocacy Groups Invited to Try for Cytokinetics Communications Grants

Cytokinetics is accepting applications from advocacy groups working in cardiovascular and neuromuscular diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), for grants worth $20,000 each that will help them expand their communications and community engagement. In total, five Cytokinetics Communications Fellowship Grants will be awarded winning organizations. The deadline for applications…

Enrollment Open for COURAGE-ALS Trial of Reldesemtiv

Patient enrollment has begun for Cytokinetics‘ pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial investigating reldesemtiv for the treatment of people with early amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The global COURAGE-ALS trial (NCT04944784) will enroll approximately 555 adults who are within two years of their first symptom of muscle weakness.