ALS News Today Forums Forums ALS Progress Research Topics Breakthrough discovery to reverse ALS at Tel Aviv University – Misfolding TDP43

  • Jean-Pierre Le Rouzic

    February 12, 2022 at 1:55 am

    Hi NJGuy,

    > a drug Aduhelm which is a new drug for Alzheimer and it addresses the same issue of dissolving amyloid in brain. Can this not be used for treating pALS?

    As far I understand it, it is not the same issue. Nobody knows the cause of Alzheimer’s disease and there are two main competing hypotheses:
    – It’s a buildup of extracellular amyloid plaques
    – It’s an intracellular buildup of Tau protein.

    In ALS there is a buildup of intracellular TDP-43

    That said it’s an extreme simplification as there are many other proteins involved in both diseases.

    Yet it seems that many scientists and biotechs are working on antibodies or intrabodies (a smaller version of antibodies), so I expect to see good news on the clinical side soon.

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