I wrote a song for ALS Awareness Month
A few years ago, in the back seat of a Suburban rolling down the highway, some words popped into my head about my journey with ALS. They were lyrics dancing around in my brain, and I even heard a deep country voice singing it. I only got two or three verses figured out in the car, and when I got home I typed them out with my toes, and never finished the rest, as it slid further and further down my to-do list. About a month ago, my ‘music therapist ‘ (yeah, it’s a thing) asked if had any poetry that I would like to put to music. I said “no, but there’s a song I’d like to finish”. So she made me commit to a deadline. That lit a fire under my butt, and I finished the lyrics, dusted off my GarageBand skills, wrote the music, and coaxed my brother-in-law to perform it. Next, I learned how to make a lyrics video, and voilá, here it is. Maybe some of you pALS out there feel the same way…
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