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  • New Members Welcome

    Posted by Amanda on August 27, 2021 at 6:47 am

    Each day Dagmar, Kevin and I check to see if we have any new member request. We work hard to make sure spammers and others with undesirable motives aren’t permitted into our online community. The number of spammers registering is staggering. What in the world are people thinking??? We want to make sure that our online community is made up of people who are pALS, caregivers, medical professionals or in some meaningful way have been touched by ALS. It is essential that this forum remains a safe place with accurate information. Each of you deserve to have that!

    Getting new members is always bitter sweet to be honest. I’m always happy that we have people that are interested and who may benefit and contribute to our discussions. However, it makes me sad to know that more people are diagnosed and that there is a need for our online forum community.

    I know they are making gains in research, I’ve seen it first hand. We have more and more pALS participating in research and clinical trials, many learned about right here on our forums!! Let’s continue to work together to support one another, and advocate for treatments and cures!

    Cheers, and Welcome to all the new members.


    Amanda replied 3 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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