People in India Get ALS Earlier Compared to Western Countries, Study Reports

To ‘B’ or Not to ‘B’?

That is the question. Vitamin B, that is. And any other nutritional supplement. Shortly after ALS crashed my party, I was introduced to the book “Eric Is Winning,” by Eric Edney. Edney was a long-term ALS survivor (over 20 years) who attributed his longevity to a regimen that included,…

Anti-epilectic Compound Shows Neuroprotective Effects in ALS Worm Model, Study Reports

The active molecule of Petinutin (methsuximide), an anti-epileptic medication, eased motor deficits, extended the lifespan, and showed potent neuroprotective effects in a worm model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), suggesting a potential new treatment strategy for multiple neurodegenerative diseases, a study reports. The study, “α-Methyl-α-phenylsuccinimide ameliorates neurodegeneration…

Stumbling Upon an ALS-free Zone

“Hope is the thing with feathers” –Emily Dickinson Recently, my wife and I went to see a stand-up comedian at our local indoor stadium. My fervent hope was that our evening together would be a unifying, restorative one. It was in that spirit that we performed all of the mental and…