Living Well with ALS - a column by Dagmar Munn

Living Well With ALS When Dagmar was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 59 in 2010, she tapped into her nearly 30 years of professional experience. She not only follows her own wellness and fitness advice but also inspires and teaches others to do the same. Dagmar is a patient columnist at BioNews, writing “Living Well with ALS.” In addition, she is one of the moderators for the ALS News Today Forum and writes a personal blog called “ALS and Wellness.” She lives in Arizona, enjoying finding humor in life's situations, and spends her free time pursuing creative projects in fiber arts.

How I Learned to Love My Rollator

In 2010, a few short months after my ALS diagnosis, I found myself having to rely full time on a rollator. I’ll be the first to admit I wasn’t happy at all. But now, nine years later, it’s become my ever-present silent buddy, and I can’t imagine my life…

How to Avoid the Sticky Points

Lately, I’ve been on alert trying to avoid sticky points. These are what I call particular points in my day when I’m most vulnerable to distractions. Because if I give in to the distraction, I end up lost in negative thoughts and I weaken the positive mindset I’ve created to…

Even Summer Fun Needs Recovery Time

Summer is finally here, which means it’s time for outdoor events, fun trips, and visits from family and friends. I look forward to each and every one of these memory-filled activities, especially now that I live with ALS. But even just a few days of travel or entertaining, combined…

Changing My Perspective on a Rare Disease

Where were you on Feb. 28? Did you know that it was Rare Disease Day? Don’t feel bad if you missed it because I did too. But I shouldn’t have. Because Rare Disease Day, along with the international events around it, represented a major change in perspective toward finding…

How to Create an Efficient ALS Mindset

ALS and efficient are two words not often used in the same sentence. But to me, they are a perfect pairing. Mention “ALS” and it’s easy to think slow, clumsy, and low energy, while “efficient” can describe quick, streamlined, and well-organized. I’ve combined the two into what I call…

Working Around My Workarounds

Living with ALS certainly has its challenges, which lead many of us to rely on workarounds. These are creative, temporary solutions that solve an everyday problem; I first wrote about mine in “The ALS Workaround Dilemma.” But the key word here is “temporary,” because workarounds run the risk…

How My AFOs Helped Me Learn to Live with ALS

Sometimes we need a nudge to help us get over a mental funk and back into the swing of life. My nudge came from a pair of white ankle-foot orthoses (AFO) with whom I had been having a love-hate relationship. Love ’em or hate ’em, they did end up becoming an…