ALS News Today Forums Forums COVID-19 and ALS Is anyone getting the 4th shot/booster?

  • Is anyone getting the 4th shot/booster?

    Posted by Dagmar on January 20, 2022 at 11:24 am

    My husband just received a notice from the VA that at the end of January they will be offering the 4th Moderna vaccine shot to VA members and spouses.

    When I researched information about recommendations for a 4th “booster” I read mixed opinions. Some recommend it for immunocompromised people, others say wait for a vaccine targeting omicron (maybe 6 months out).

    What are you hearing in the ALS community about this?

    Peggy Macdonald replied 10 months, 2 weeks ago 28 Members · 40 Replies
  • 40 Replies
  • Neil Meyrick

    January 20, 2022 at 2:48 pm

    you’re ahead of the UK there…  no 4th jab announced yet.

    • John Addy

      April 19, 2022 at 8:21 am

      I am in a clinical study and can not do anything without checking with my study coordinator

    • bill-osullivan

      October 28, 2022 at 6:05 am

      No need to wait for VA if you have medicare, the latest booster includes protection against latest variants including omicron is available now. We got ours at CVS last week other drug chains also have it available.


  • Richard Maloon

    January 20, 2022 at 7:06 pm

    if offered absolutely. i pick science over voodoo


  • John Watson

    January 20, 2022 at 8:49 pm

    A 4th Covid shot or booster is being recommended in Israel for those over 60.

  • Klara Weis

    January 21, 2022 at 6:47 pm

    Dagmar, no notices here in St. Louis yet. But, on another note would you be willing to share your protocol to not lose your voice. My son was diagnosed 2019 and is starting to lose voice and I remember you told what you did a while ago.Some exercises. I should have written it down. Klara Weis

    • Dagmar

      January 21, 2022 at 7:15 pm

      Klara, I would be happy to share what I’ve been doing to help keep me talking 😀 Rather than post my reply here in this discussion thread, I will gather ALL my information and links and start a new topic in the Living with ALS forum. (I’ll do that tomorrow, on Saturday) That way, more folks can read it and benefit 🙂

  • Jim Conner

    April 19, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    NOPE. I got the original shots a year ago, had Covid year and a half ago. I may have had it since, who knows. Call it voodoo or whatever, my wife got an auto immune disease soon after she got the shot with me. A number of people on a Mayo Clinic site stated the same. Gonna live with it as we do with other contagious diseases.

    • MaryConnolly

      October 27, 2022 at 3:56 pm

      Dagmar—looking forward to the new thread on ‘how to maintain one’s voice’. Thank you in advance. Mary

  • Kris

    April 19, 2022 at 3:27 pm

    My neurologist recommended that I get 2nd booster because he considers me immunocompromised.I’m also over 65. My husband and I both got 2nd booster two weeks ago. Our arms were sore for a couple of days and we were more tired than usual the next day but that was all.

  • len-jax

    April 19, 2022 at 3:53 pm

    We got notice the second booster was available here in St. Louis and have an appointment to get it on May 2.  I had Covid before the vaccine was available, had all of the shots since they came out, and have had no issues with any of them.

  • Dagmar

    October 27, 2022 at 12:49 pm

    I had my 4th vaccine last week. Had to have Pfizer as it was the only one our drugstore was offering. Previously, I’ve had only Moderna (with lots of side effects for 2 days) so I was a little fearful of switching to Pfizer. I worried, “What would happen now?” But, poof, no problem. And even a barely sore arm! I figure either Pfizer is really the best of the two vaccine brands or, since I had covid about 12 weeks ago, my body was still on high alert.

  • Maggie Broeren

    October 27, 2022 at 2:38 pm


    I am 64 years old, diagnosed 2yrs and 4mo ago. My spouse, main caregiver and I have both received the latest booster. I’m happy to report, neither of us have had COVID at all.


  • Susan Hahn

    October 27, 2022 at 3:00 pm


  • len-jax

    October 27, 2022 at 3:35 pm

    Hi Dagmar,

    I got the 4th booster in one arm and the flu shot in the other! Had a little soreness on the second day in the boosted arm but no ill effects. The flu shot arm was sore for about 4 days, but I lived to write about it! Just kidding, of course. All Covid shots were Pfizer and no problems with any of them.


  • Doreen AM

    October 27, 2022 at 3:47 pm

    My husband’s neurologist recommended the 2nd booster. We got them together on Monday.

    Our vaccination has been: Moderna (initial), Moderna (subsequent), Pfizer (booster 1), Pfizer (booster 2).

  • MaryConnolly

    October 27, 2022 at 3:55 pm

    We’ll be getting the next Covid booster next week. Have already received the flu vaccine. Here are two articles that address new Covid vaccines and timing issues related to getting Covid and flu vaccines. Dr. Baker is a good friend and well versed in the science. His credentials speak for themselves.

    Stay well.


  • Kathleen B (Katie)

    October 27, 2022 at 3:56 pm

    I have checked with both ALS clinic Dr. and my primary care ( I’m a Michigan resident) on getting the next COVID booster…here is what I learned:  ALS Neuro “yes, we are recommending for our patients as breathing issues can be further compromised with COVID, but it is YOUR personal choice to get or not, depending on how you handled the other 2 shots so far”.    (I have not had any COVID infection; Just fatigue and body aches 48 hrs after other shots, considered mild response, all Pfizer doses.)
    PCP—“decision is yours; depends on your lifestyle/interactions over coming months” (weddings, holidays, etc)…”””   “However,  highly recommend getting flu shot ASAP, but separate from COVID by at LEAST a couple weeks.”  (She explained it helps immune system work best this way…which I had heard and did even as far back as 80’s/90’s when my own children were getting vaccines —even had the MMR split in 3 doses—because I was willing & able to keep to the schedule of appointments for timing well. (Their health was more important to me than the ‘convenience’ factor of giving multiple pokes at 1 appointment).   So my flu shot is this weekend, and COVID booster later (I do understand that this latest boost IS part the original AND part Omicron 4 &  5 protection as well.).  Hope this helps some—I think science & medicine are best understood from those with the expertise from those disciplines—but I ALSO read and ask plenty Of questions to have a comfort level of making an INFORMED decision based on factual information, not social network opinions.  (Case in point: I’m currently exploring with dr’s that a cause of ALS could be an OVER-reactive/responsive immune system—in which case, being a pALS now, is this why things happened? Will I aggravate the ALS more by triggering a hyper immune system into more activity???   Or was it because I taught preschool special education for 40 years that I just got exposed to so many germs via the ‘Petri dish environment’ of a classroom (pre-COVID days) that my immunity was/is highly active/protective? ).  I don’t know that there are answers, but at least I will feel better informed and proactive about helping self in some way.

  • Kathleen B (Katie)

    October 28, 2022 at 8:27 am

    Thank you Mary—both those links were very helpful with user friendly information! (It was also affirming to what my PCP had offered).

  • Susan

    November 9, 2022 at 8:57 am

    I got the 4th booster, all Pfizer, no reaction to any of the vaccinations, not even a sore arm, people are under the impression that the virus is (just the flu now) and that is not true, the virus is still alive, and can be debilitating to some who get sick, others, like me will be symptom free. My own Daughter refuses to believe there even is a virus ????.

    mask up people, it’s starting to raise its ugly head again, it with morph into a new strain and cause shut downs again, I truly believe this!

  • Trevor Bower

    November 9, 2022 at 2:52 pm

    I just had my 4th booster shot yesterday. No adverse reaction. Also, got my influenza shot in the other arm at the same time. No adverse reaction.

    • Susan

      November 10, 2022 at 2:26 pm

      Great! Smart! I too have had 4 vaccinations and my flu shot, no adverse reactions and since I have ALS I feel a bit safer this winter from Covid and the flu, my Faith keeps me strong too! GOD BLESS ????

  • Susan

    November 10, 2022 at 2:22 pm

    Well als is depressing enough, right? But add to that seasonal depression and things can seem very bleak! I was diagnosed last holiday season, depressing! What I am trying this season, because I live in a climate with snowy days and gray skies, and cold! I went on Amazon and found a light therapy pole light that simulates sunshine, no burning rays or heat, just the brightness of a beautiful spring day! Very helpful already, highly recommended for anyone that gets tired of endless gray days! GOD BLESS ????

  • john hamilton

    November 10, 2022 at 3:22 pm

    I just got the “latest” booster last week, but I’ll bet it wasn’t the “4th” one. I’ve lost track of how many shots! Wouldn’t that be ironic if I croaked from COVID and not ALS…

  • Kathleen B (Katie)

    November 11, 2022 at 9:00 am

    YES! Full spectrum lights, daylight bulbs—they are WONDERFUL!!  Just make sure they shine toward you, on you, (as compared to being in a table lamp—where the lampshade filters/blocks the light or directs in down ward to a surface. ). Great suggestion for health & wellness for ‘ seasonal affective disorder’—plus—greater time home/bound folks!

    • Deleted User

      Deleted User
      November 14, 2022 at 5:54 pm

      What is this full spectrum light? Are you referring to a light just to shine in your room? or are you referring to a light that offers anti-inflammatory and other healing alternatives you place over or under your body? How confusing all these “lights can be”? Thank you for sharing about the lights. Even some are not home bound but the added darkness plays havoc on our circadian cycle.

      AND NO i did not get the 4th booster and probably will not. After 2 shots and having covid ( I would not share with anyone as its not fun! No disease or infection is) I have issues with back and teeth. Mask up and dont get near a sick one!

      Thank you for sharing

      • Dagmar

        November 15, 2022 at 2:09 pm

        Full-spectrum lights have been used for about 20 yrs now in the prevention of and treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (commonly referred to as SAD). These special lights have the full wavelengths/spectrum of light (similar to the sun) – – essential for plant, animal, and human growth. You are correct about circadian rhythms…people who work the night shift, live in the Northern hemisphere, or even with the change to daylight savings time can feel the effect of too little sunlight. Several good, short articles can be found here:

  • Pete Caluori

    November 16, 2022 at 8:20 am

    Hi Folks, I received my 5th booster (Moderna) a few weeks ago.  I’ve always had breathing issues my entire life and am deathly afraid of getting Covid, so I’ll take every precaution against it!  This latest booster was for the omicron variants.  So far no adverse reactions other than a slightly sore arm the day after.

  • Kathleen B (Katie)

    November 17, 2022 at 2:35 pm

    Thank you Dagmar for nice concise explain of full spectrum light !  I used it for years in my special Ed classrooms—and some school buildings I occupied even got it for their regular rooms!

  • Michael J. Morris

    December 29, 2022 at 7:19 pm

    I received the first two Covid-19 shots without any remarkable problems.  The third shot, however caused a severe allergic reaction within two hours ( November 2021).  I got through the hives, joint swelling, headache and mouth issues with Prednisone and antihistamines but my swallowing and voice problems persisted.  I also had very mild fine motor issues with my hands.  My general practitioner advised me to NOT get an additional Covid booster.  I did not know at the time, that I had experienced my first ALS symptoms.  I was diagnosed with ALS during September 2022.  I have been and continue to be a vaccine supporter, as our society has benefited enormously from the immunity they provide.

  • Timothy Talley

    January 5, 2023 at 4:17 pm

    My wife who has ALS and I both got the 4th booster, the new Moderna Bivalent one,  on December 7, 2022.  We had very little side effects, only sore arms.  BUT we both tested positive for Covid this last week, less than a month later.  Not sure what that means.  It was difficult for my wife Rebecca to clear the congestion out of her lungs with her diaphragm so compromised.  The cough assist was a life saver.  We are better now.

    Tim Talley

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